Is Outsourcing an Option for your Freight Management Operation?

Freight management

As transportation and logistics processes become increasingly complex, more and more companies are outsourcing some or all of their freight management operations.  New stress on carrier and equipment availability, increasing prices, and demanding timetables have companies who might have handled their freight internally for decades now reaching out for help.  And luckily, freight management is a service where SeaWide Express excels.

There are several examples in Alaska and Hawaii where companies complete a P.O. and then simply provide that order to SeaWide to handle all the steps required for final delivery.  It is a service based on earned trust.  It works because SeaWide Express customers have full visibility and transparency with all the scheduling and pricing that is administered.

In addition to the actual shipments, SeaWide is counseling their customers with transportation strategy too.  SeaWide’s deeply experienced team is helping customers reassess just-in-time shipping, scheduling orders earlier to minimize inventory gaps, and providing options for never-ending price increases and fuel surcharges.  

Freight management by SeaWide Express is working because of the teams’ wealth of experience, full transparency, and a commitment to help their customers meet their supply chain needs.

If outsourcing makes sense for your transportation operation, give us a call, and let’s explore a win-win scenario.


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